This is interesting, funny, annoying
(to some) and thinking outside the box as Facebook introduces “Facebook heir”, this
settings allows Facebook users to essentially will their accounts to a family
member or a friend who can manage their account when they die (wow, you would
say).Once an account is memorized, the "legacy contact"can write a post on
behalf of the deceased, respond to new friend requests and updates, change
profile pictures and cover photo. If a user chooses, they can also give the
legacy contact permission to archive Facebook posts and photos. The legacy
contact will not be able to log in as the person who died or see that person’s
private messages. Just as people die and pass on their belongings and properties
to whoever they will it to, Facebook has also followed suit letting users will their accounts as well to who ever they wish, I think this is
the first of its kind, I have not seen or heard anything as such. Whatever
change this will bring we do not know but how much of us will embrace this new
policy where social medias copy all or most forms of human behavior
Whats your take on this?
Is this fr real?